Ever came across a woman who smelt good? There must’ve been times when you wanted to compliment a woman’s perfume but were simply afraid of doing so. After all, there’s a thin line between looking an admirer and looking like a creep.

Women, in general, love compliments. They’re valuable since they improve your confidence and self-esteem, making you feel appreciated.
However, it is important to make the right choice of words and tone while giving compliments and ensure that they are genuine and respectful.
Paying a Compliment isn’t creepy, but how you do it could be.
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Here are a few points to keep in mind while you’re complimenting a woman’s perfume :
1.Be specific Once you Compliment a Woman’s Perfume
Don’t just say, “You smell good.” Instead, comment on the specific notes you can detect. It makes the compliment sound more genuine and shows that you admire her perfume. Something like ‘That’s a great floral perfume you are wearing’ or The cologne you’re wearing is nice. May I ask where you got it? would be much better.
2. Be respectful
Don’t get too close to her when you compliment her perfume, You don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. Be mindful of personal boundaries and maintain a comfortable distance. Be conscious to not invade her personal space. Without getting close you can still appreciate the fragrance.
3. Be genuine
Don’t compliment her perfume just for the sake of kindness. Don’t say anything if you don’t like the way it smells. Showing genuine interest in her perfume choice can make your compliment more engaging. You could ask about the brand of the perfume or where she got it. Hey,your perfume’s good! Where’d you get it from?
4. Keep it brief and simple – Compliment a Woman’s Perfume
A short, concise and sweet compliment is the best and safest. Don’t go on and on about how much you love her perfume. ‘Your perfume smells wonderful” would do the job. Say ‘That’s a nice scent. Have a great day!’ and go on with your day. It shows that the compliment was just it and there was no ulterior purpose.

Comment specifically on the fragrance not the woman
‘You smell so good’ coming from the wrong person could easily creep out women. Refrain from compliments that tend to objectify a woman. ‘That’s a lovely scent you are wearing’ sounds much better than ‘You smell so good today’. See the difference?
5. Be mindful of timing/surroundings
Hearing ‘You smell good today’ from a random colleague during work may come off as inappropriate. So choose the right moment and surroundings to compliment her perfume. It’s best to wait for an informal conversation or a natural break where you can focus on the compliment without interrupting the flow of the conversation.
6. Watch your tone and demeanour – Compliment a Woman’s Perfume
The act of paying a woman a compliment isn’t creepy in itself, but how you do it could be. There is a difference between complimenting someone naturally and staring at them after the compliment. Keep in mind not to expect anything in return from the woman. Pay the compliment with a nice smile and move on.
Additionally, if you’re using the compliment as an ice-breaker, I suggest you follow it up with an engaging question e.g. ‘That fragrance smells good. Do you mind if I ask what you’re wearing?
7. Make it a part of the conversation
Another great tip is to make the compliment a woman’s perfume is by making it part of the conversation. As an example, when you meet her, you might say ‘You smell great!’ with a soft smile and follow up with another remark ‘So, how was your day? This way you can prevent any tension from being created.
Compliments are Magical
As simple as it may sound, a simple compliment can have a powerful impact on a woman’s confidence. No matter what you say, ensure that your compliment is sincere and considerate. Something that makes her feel appreciated and confident, not awkward or offensive.
So the next time you plan to compliment a woman’s perfume, don’t be afraid. But remember to be respectful and innocuous. Also, don’t forget to check out our in-depth reviews of the top Creed perfumes for ladies. One of them will surely be found on a compliment-worthy lady.