To differentiate the original against the fake Armani Aqua Di Gio Profumo fragrance you will have to observe packaging differences and box details. Also, look for barcode details and serial numbers.

Serial numbers can be checked from websites. Moreover, if you are getting a perfume bottle only, then certain differences can be checked.

Fake vs Real Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo – Front & Top Of The Box Packaging

Acqua Di Gio Profumo fake and original boxes are side by side where original box is bigger than the fake

The smaller size of the perfume is the foremost thing that you will notice in a fake Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo.

The fake box packaging is about half an inch shorter than the original one. Moreover, if you look closely, you will also find that the fake box gives a more shiny black reflection.

Whereas, the original piece gives a dark space grey matte finish, exuding class and sophistication.

ADG Profumo counterfeit and original box frontside bottom half is shown in the picture

If you move toward the bottom front of the packaging box, you will see that the debossed details in the fake fragrance look cheap and imprecise.

In comparison, the original piece has clear and precise debossed details, indicating that the product is of fine class.

there is a text on innerside of real ADG Profumo perfume box which is missing on the fake one

By taking a look at the top of the packaging box, you will notice that only the original Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo has the official Armani logo debossed. The fake one misses the logo.

Here is the complete review of Aqua Di Gio Profumo perfume. I just love this perfume for summer.

Fake vs Real Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo – The Back Of The Packaging

The original Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo packaging has its description and detail aligned in the center.

backside differences of real and counterfeit ADG Profumo perfume

The details written on the back also reflect a silver tone when reflected in the light. On the contrary, the fake Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo has its details laid down in a more cramped manner that takes most of the space in the back.

Also, if you observe the details under the light, they will reflect a more gold undertone, signifying its difference from the original.

Fake vs Real Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo – Bottle Difference

The fake Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo bottle appears slightly smaller and has a more grey matte undertone when it appears in the light. On the contrary, the original Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo bottle is taller, a little wider, and has a lustrous black shine.

original and fake perfume bottles of ADG Profumo are shown in the pucture

And if you take a look at the bottom, you will notice that the original bottle has a much finer and more shiny rim than the fake one.

Bonus: Here are my favorite summer perfumes.

serial number can be seen on original perfume bottle of Acqua Di Gio Profumo

Turning the bottle to the back, you will also notice that the original bottle has its serial batch number carved in the bottle. The fake bottle seems to miss this important detail, proving that it is a counterfeit.

The bottom of the fake and original bottles feature product and manufacturing details encircling the logo in the center.

bottom side of ADG Profumo bottle ( real and fake) are shown in the picture

However, upon observing, you will notice that the fake bottle has its details written in a complete circle with comparatively larger fonts. In the original Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo bottle, the details are written in a precise manner that only encircles the logo halfway, showing refinement and class.

Magnetic vs. Press-On Caps

The original cap has a precise logo with a much smoother finish. But a fake bottle features an imprecise logo that lacks detail and authenticity.

the LOGO is less deatiled on the cap of fake ADG Profumo as compared with the real one

The fake Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo cap comes with a magnetic rim that closes on its own with a click. While the original fragrance features a press-on closing cap to secure the product inside.

To Wrap Up

Spotting a fake fragrance is not a piece of cake. It requires great attention to detail and a keen observer eye.

However, with this profound knowledge, you can now easily spot the difference between a real and a fake Armani Acqua di Giò Profumo and avoid buying a fake one.

Keep these differences in mind before buying this perfume and shop confidently!

Source: fakecip

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