Bvlgari launched its Man in Black line-up in 2014 and its sales instantly won millions of hearts. Consequently, Bvlgari made huge profits from this perfect Bozzy Note fragrance. But this came with a price. Just like any other famous scent, Bvlgari Man in Black EDP got counterfeited. Consequently, hundreds of customers fell for this tactic. However, today I will share the differences between Original Vs Fake Bvlgari Man in Black.
Spotting these differences will prevent you from purchasing a fake/ Counterfeit Bvlgari Man in Black.

Original Vs Fake Bvlgari Man in Black EDP – 7 Differences
You can differentiate the original perfume from the fake one by observing 7 things. Additionally, you can read the complete review of Bvlgari Man in Black here.
1. Weight of Real and Fake versions
Although it is difficult and maybe a non-practical way to spot the difference, however the original vs fake Bvlgari man in Black does not weigh the same.
An unopened Boxed package of Real Bvlgari Man in Black weighs around 459g approximately. On the other hand, the fake version weighs approximately 432g. You can add or subtract +/- 5 gms for adding the weigh scale error.

Once you take this beauty out of its box, there are differences in the masses of bottles as well. The real version weighs around 419 g when out of its package. Counterfeited versions have varying masses. For example, the fake Bvlgari Man in Black EDP below has a bottle weight of 395 g.

2. Packaging
Packaging usually has most of the differences and if you pay close attention to details, it is easy to isolate the real Bvlgari Man in Black from the fake one.
Differences may vary between color, design, font, etc.
In case someone is selling you cellophane-wrapped Bvlgari Man in Black then there are differences as well. To know how you can detect fake cellophane, read the article Original vs Fake Dior Sauvage, where this aspect is discussed in detail.

Firstly, in the original version, the Bvlgari title at the top is reflecting golden and has some 3D effects. See the image of the title on the real version.
This 3D effect is common to all other text on the perfume packaging. In contrast, the fake version usually has a matte golden color and shows no 3D effect.
Secondly, the original version has a matte black rectangular border around a more prominent golden one. This black border is missing on the fake versions. In addition, there are differences in the thickness of the inner golden border. See the picture below.
Moreover, you can also see a difference in the font style and size of the text on the original and fake packaging. See the image of the original version and take a screenshot. Keep it in your gallery so that you can compare it and purchase the original fragrance only. In this counterfeited version, ‘In Black’ has a different font size.
Now flip to the back side of your perfume box. Shift your eyes to the bottom so that you find the list of ingredients. In the real version, an Arabic phrase is present at the bottom right. However, it’s usually absent in the fake versions.

3. Batch Codes
Another main difference between the original and fake versions of Bvlgari Man in Black EDP is of batch codes. Look at the bottom of the package and you will find the batch codes as shown in the picture below.

The batch code on the real Bvlgari is same underneath the bottle and box. Whereas, counterfeited versions have different codes. Also, note how REF on the real version (10041047) is dissimilar to that on the fake versions. There are also significant differences in the thickness of bars in the barcodes. See the images carefully to notice.
Just above the batch code, also notice how the real version shows disposable and reusable signs in golden. There is no sign of flammable. Fake versions use a different color like white to represent these and may have additional signs.
4. Inside white Cardboard Covering
Now open the top cover of the box and see the underneath it. The diagram below in the picture is present in the opening of the real version but mostly absent in the fake ones. It basically is the instruction of locking/ unlocking mechanism of top nozzle of perfume to expose the sprayer. In locked position you can not spray the perfume.

5. Perfume Bottle
Gently take out the perfume bottle from its packaging. Here are some differences I noticed between the bottle of real and fake versions.

Firstly, there is a great difference in the font on both perfumes. With a closer look, I also observed some color differences between the font and overall bottle of each version.
Generally, the original Bvlgari Man in Black had a more defined text and better finishing.
And the same refinement we observed in our article on Original vs Fake Bleu De Chanel.
6) Design on Top of the Nozzle
You may also notice some differences in the nozzles of the fake and real bottles.
For example, the counterfeited version used in this post has slight variations in the design on top. The font of text around the nozzle is also dissimilar. I also noticed that the original nozzles’ design had a much more defined finish than that of the fake version.
Basically, it is the refinement in the original that distinguishes it from the counter/ fake Bvlgari Man in Black.
The caps are really the first step to identifying once the perfume is out of the box. We earlier told you about the differences between the caps of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle. So if you pay close attention, things would become easy for you.

The nozzle in Man in Black can be rotated for opening and closing. In real versions, this mechanism is smoother.
See the image below that show variations in aperture size on nozzles.

7) Stickers at the bottom
Now, look at the bottom of your bottle. The real version has this rectangular sticker on it, containing some perfume specifications. The fake version simply has a transparent circular sticker on it. Once, you remove the stickers you will notice how the information on them is also not the same. Real versions show Italy as the place where they were made. Fake ones show UK or France instead.

The Bottom Line
So, these were some of the differences I could spot between Real vs fake Bvlgari Man in Black EDP. Keeping these in mind before you shop, can save you from being fooled by keen sellers.
Some even sell fake versions for the real price to keep a greater profit margin. Let me know if you found this article to be helpful.
Image Credits: All pictures are taken as attributed to FakeCip.